Monday, March 2, 2009

The Necessary Conditions for a Paradigm Shift

Thomas Kuhn's theory of paradigm shifts has probably already been applied to the political sphere. In fact, Kuhn's paradigm shifts sound a lot like Hegel's dialectical process. Even still, by looking at our paradigm, under Kuhn's terms, we may be able to see whether or not we are heading toward a "paradigm shift."

A paradigm, according to Kuhn, is a whole way of doing science. It is the way in which claims can be made and analyzed. An example of a paradigm would be the ptolemiac model of the universe, wherein the earth was at the centre of the universe. Here we have a theory in place, where other scientists can use this model to collect information and postulate theories about the structure of the universe.

The ptolemiac model was thrown out when Copernicus said the sun was at the centre of the universe. So, these paradigms change. It is the events that lead up to this change that we need to examine.

Each paradigm tries to perpetuate itself, by doing tests that would strengthen the overall theory. But, these attempts usually discover a problem with the theory as a whole. In ptolemy's case, it was the discovery of retrograde motion, and a questioning of the authority of the church, that inspired people to reject this theory.

Are there cases like these in our present political or economic sphere? clearly, the economic situation shows there are problems with the economic paradigm. The way these markets crash, the fact that people are being laid off and homes are being foreclosed, shows the utter instability of the economic system. So, we have signs that the economic factors have been thrown into doubt.

The political sphere is also being speculated. The governments power may be total, but the people are questioning the government's interests. Overwhelming aid is given to these fallen big businesses, while the average working man is left to struggle. This shows that the average working man is being neglected, and this throws the political ideology of democracy, "a government for the people, and by the people," into doubt.

This is some shallow evidence that we are heading toward a paradigm shift. But, there is another thing necessary for a shift to take place, according to Kuhn. An alternative theory is necessary, one that accommodates the shortcomings of the old paradigm, as in the Copernican theory replacing the Ptolemiac. Unfortunately, this can not be found in or politic and economic situation. There is some discussion of alternate paradigms, but there is no movement toward this alternative theory. It would seem that we are doomed to go through these market crashes, and the governments backing of these failed big businesses, every decade or so, until we can posit an alternate form of political and economic structure.

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